So, users who were accustomed to clean inboxes now have cluttered messages, most of which are useless. To combat this, LinkedIn is bringing the Focused Inbox feature to global customers. If you are unfamiliar with Focused Inbox, it makes email management easier. This is achieved by two separate folders that separate emails. The main folder is called ‘Primary’ and holds the most common and important contacts. The second folder will be for non-important emails. Of course, users can tag which mails will be sorted as important or not. Microsoft already uses the Focused Inbox in Windows and it is available in Outlook. LinkedIn is next, allowing users on the network to separate emails into “Focused” and “Other” categories.

How it Works

In a previous blog post, LinkedIn describes how Focused Inbox works on its platform: “It is an intelligent, dual-tabbed inbox that makes it easier to find and respond to the messages that matter most by categorizing incoming messages into two tabs: “Focused” and “Other”. Your most relevant messages will appear on the Focused tab while the rest remain easily accessible on the Other tab. You can also easily move messages between the tabs. Over time, your inbox will become smarter and smarter based on how you use it. Stay tuned for further updates. “ Tip of the day: Windows lets you use Cortana to translate sentences, words, or phrases, with the results read back to you automatically. This makes it particularly useful for group scenarios, but you can also type if you’re unsure about pronunciation. Cortana translation sports an impressive 40 languages and utilizes machine learning to provide natural results in many cases. Check our full guide to learn how to use Cortana for quick translations.

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