Specifically, the company has introduced NTFS storage requirements which have had consequences for many users. Because of this change, many external SD card storage linked to OneDrive has become useless. This is particularly frustrating because Microsoft seems to have implemented this under the radar. There are some who believe this is just a test, but it does appear as though this is a permanent change going through preview. Naturally, many users are unhappy with the situation and have taken to Microsoft’s forums and Reddit to vent: “Without warning, Microsoft changed their consumer OneDrive policy to only support the NTFS file system,” the company’s support forum read. “This has caused all of the drives in my home to stop backing up. Hi all, have been using OneDrive for some time now without any major issues, however yesterday it wouldn’t sign me in on my Windows 10 SP4. When I went to add my account and direct it to the existing OneDrive folder on my SD card it tells me it requires it to be NTFS. I’m on Windows Insider builds and got the latest update two days ago. I downloaded the older version of the OneDrive app from the OneDrive website but that hasn’t helped the issue. Can someone at Microsoft explain to us WHY you keep screwing up OneDrive? First there was the Unlimited Storage fiasco which was basically a bait-n-switch scam to sell more Office 365 subscriptions. Then after multiple PCs in my home restarted today, I was greeted with this BS. ‘The location where you were trying to create OneDrive folder belong to a drive with unsupported file system. To have OneDrive use a different location, click Set up OneDrive and point OneDrive to a NTFS drive. To use the existing location with OneDrive, you need to format it with NTFS then click Set up OneDrive to configure your account.’”


Of lack thereof, as Microsoft has not officially discussed this change. Users are calling on the company to change back, offer a remedy, or explain why the change was made. OneDrive users say they are unable to access multiple files, some years old, linked to their accounts.

Microsoft Incurs OneDrive User Anger with NTFS Requirement for SD Cards - 88Microsoft Incurs OneDrive User Anger with NTFS Requirement for SD Cards - 90Microsoft Incurs OneDrive User Anger with NTFS Requirement for SD Cards - 23Microsoft Incurs OneDrive User Anger with NTFS Requirement for SD Cards - 1Microsoft Incurs OneDrive User Anger with NTFS Requirement for SD Cards - 1