The latest Microsoft Patent shows how a Windows 10 dual screen devices will be able to fold. Of course, this may be the 20th patent pointing our how a dual screen mechanism would work. Microsoft is clearly covering all bases, so we can only speculate on what a finalized device will actually look like. Either way, the latest patent was spotted by the folks at Windows Latest and is titled “Manufacture and Optional Calibration methods for displays”. It was filed by Microsoft back in October 2017 and published by the U.S. Patent Office earlier this month. While we are used to see Microsoft, patents tackle how the folding screen hardware will function, this one is focused on the underlying screen tech. More specifically, how the screens will calibrate. Microsoft explains using normal calibration techniques won’t work on a device with two screens.

Screen Calibration

The company points out the methods used by manufacturers on current smartphone screen won’t deliver optical equivalence between the two displays. Viewers will see inconsistencies between the panels. Microsoft has created a method for a singular calibration through a One Time Programmable (OTP) value for both displays. This will allow for both panels to offer the same brightness, colors, and other technical aspects for plurality. “A method for optical calibration of a plurality of displays is provided. The method may include, at a manufacturing stage, creating a plurality of one-time programmable (OTP) values for each display. Each OTP value may include a value of manufacture gamma voltage corresponding to a manufacture luminance and color value for a respective display. The method may include storing the plurality of OTP values in a corresponding non-volatile memory of each respective display.”

Microsoft Patent Tackles Display Calibration on Dual Screen Hardware - 46Microsoft Patent Tackles Display Calibration on Dual Screen Hardware - 21Microsoft Patent Tackles Display Calibration on Dual Screen Hardware - 39Microsoft Patent Tackles Display Calibration on Dual Screen Hardware - 84Microsoft Patent Tackles Display Calibration on Dual Screen Hardware - 60