A few years ago, creating a mobile app was only possible for people with a budget or coding experience. Fortunately, this is no longer the case! You can now create an app, launch and monetize it with very little budget and without being a professional developer. With a no-coding mobile app development platform like Andromo, everyone can build an app and realize their ideas in no time.

How To Create An App With Minimum Budget

So, now that you know it is possible to make your dreams true without breaking the bank, let’s get to the details on how to build a great mobile app on a limited budget in 2021. According to Mobile App Daily, there are eight steps of the process:

1. Make clear goals for your app

You want to make a helpful app that many people will want to use so that you can make a good profit, right? In order to do that, your future app has to solve a problem for them, make their life easier and help them achieve their aims. That is why you should start creating your app by defining the goal rather than coming up with future cool features. The features will contribute to the goal and not the other way around. The goal of your mobile app will determine its type. In the next section of this article, we will help you define the goals and describe the target audience for the top 3 app creation ideas with a minimum budget. You will be able to use the description of those ideas as a reference when defining the goal for your own app. Or you can take the ready-made description and start building your app immediately to implement one of those 3 ideas.

2. Choose the right developmental partners

The conventional developing partners are either development agencies or freelancers. But both these options work best if your app needs to have custom coding and unique solutions. It also will cost several thousands of dollars to pay a good developer for his time. Since you want to create an app with a minimum budget, your best choice is a no-coding mobile app development platform. Andromo allows you to build an unlimited amount of iOS and Android apps by yourself with just a laptop or tablet. Andromo is also your perfect development partner because it will not just provide a simple app-building constructor but also helps you all the way with the knowledge base and dedicated support specialists.

3. Create a mobile app with the right development pricing model

There are several ways to minimize your mobile app. You will be able to choose the most appropriate for your app. With Andromo, there will be no more disturbing and cheap ads. It will offer you profitable money-making solutions that add to the experience of your app. You will be able to make money directly from ads on AdMob and Facebook Audience Network without having to invest a lot of time into figuring out the process.

4. Choose the right platform to build the app

Android and iOS are the biggest platforms for mobile apps. You can choose one of them or create an app for both with Andromo.

5. Invest in vital functionalities considering app development budget

When writing a mobile application from scratch, you always have to decide what features to include or leave away. Because adding extra features would always mean paying more to the developer for coding them, you always have to sacrifice some of them that are not crucial for the app’s primary goal. Choosing a no-coding platform eliminates this tough decision for the app creators. You can add as many functionalities as you want among the 30+ features Andromo offers and get your idea off the ground without extra spendings.

6. Creating an MVP is a sensible approach

A Minimum Viable Product is the best choice when developing a mobile app. You will be able to start fast and collect feedback from your users to test the market. Building an app on Andromo takes about 2 hours for our average users. You can always modify or add functionalities to your MVP later.

7. Set aside a budget for app maintenance

While maintaining a coded app would cost you at least $5000 per year, Andromo has already thought of maintenance, and it is included in your subscription fee. This is one of the main benefits of this no-coding platform, especially for people with no development experience.

8. Start organic marketing before the mobile app launch

 Since you are exploring options for launching a mobile app on a minimum budget, organic promotion is your best opportunity because it is free. Organic marketing will go easy on your budget and provide long-term results. You can reach out to technology blogs and share the information on social media. It will make people aware of the app you are introducing, and you will be able to save some cash without doing paid promotions.

Top 3 App Creation Ideas

 Now you know the exact steps that will allow you to create a mobile app with a minimum budget. We want to make this even easier for you by offering three simple ideas that you can implement and build your app by the end of the day today.

1. E-learning app

The E-learning industry is booming today due to the development of technology and the pandemic. It is projected to grow to $325 Billion by 2025 (Forbes). So, now is the perfect time to use the trend and create an app for learning. You can build an application for people to study languages, learn any hard or soft skill, etc. You can base your app on an existing teaching course or method. Or, you can cooperate with an instructor who will provide you with teaching materials for the users.

2. Recipe app

Figuring out new and delicious meals day after day for the whole family is a real pain for many people. You can help them and create a recipe app. Monetizing options include in-app ads, or you can offer premium paid recipes or additional useful features for shopping planning. Choose a specific food niche, such as raw or vegan recipes, to make the app more personalized.

3. Design app.

Depending on your personal preferences and background, you can create various types of design apps. If you are interested in interior design, your app can help people decorate their homes. If you are familiar with fashion and makeup, your app will include clothes style suggestions or nail design ideas.

How Much Does It Cost To Launch An App

 When we say that creating a mobile app is possible on a minimum budget, we mean it. The only budget you need is for an Andromo subscription and a $25 payment to register at Google Play Market. Try Andromo now to receive your first revenue tomorrow!

About the author:

Franklin Wootkin is a developer at Andromo. He is happy to help and tries to tell everyone about new technologies, he is passionate about everything new in the world of web technologies and tries to learn everything at once.  Not so long ago he started his own Twitter to share his impressions and opinions about new technologies.

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